
Tuesday 18 April 2017

Horrific: Six shot outside Alabama church; media SILENT because…

Earlier this month convicted Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences. (Roof shouldn’t worry though, any competent attorney should be able to get that reduced to four.) In June of 2015, then 20 years old, Roof entered Emanuel AME Church, known locally as “Mother Emanuel Church” and shot the place up. He is a monster who should and will never walk the streets a free man again.
Roof’s shooting spree was seized upon by the media as an example of what hate-inducing materials like the Confederate flag can produce in unstable individuals. Reports of Roof’s visits to Confederate landmarks fueling his rage were used as reasons to justify the removal of such landmarks and ultimately then-governor Nikki Haley signed a bill into law that removed the confederate flag from the South Carolina state capital.
The media couldn’t get enough of the narrative of a young, white racist shooting up a black church.Fast-forward to Easter Sunday 2017 — yes, two days ago. There was another instance of a young man shooting up a black church in the south. But as opposed to Roof’s shooting, this one very few have heard about.
A search is underway for the shooter at Cathedral of the Cross A.O.H. Church of God in Birmingham, AL.  A headline befitting of this incident is: Mass Shooting by Black Suspect at Black Church Carnival.  But there are no such headlines. Not in the mainstream media anyway.
Yesterday  AL.com carried the story:

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