
Tuesday 18 April 2017

She wanted her ex-husband to die with a happy thought; she told him Trump had been impeached

When Michael Elliott died, the last voice he heard was that of his ex-wife, his best friend.
In a short phone conversation moments before Elliott took his last breath, she told him what he wanted to hear.
“I told him that everything's going to be all right,” Teresa Elliott told The Washington Post. “And Donald Trump has been impeached.”
Michael Elliott died “peacefully,” surrounded by friends and neighbors in his home in a suburb outside of Portland, Ore., according to an obituary published in the Oregonian.
Teresa Elliott, who lives in Texas, said she couldn't make it to Oregon in time. So on April 6, one of Michael Elliott's friends called her and told her that he was about to die. The two talked as someone held up the phone to the dying man's ear.
Afterward, one of his friends took the phone “and told me that he had completely relaxed and taken his last breath, and he was gone,” Teresa Elliott said.
In his obituary, the 75-year-old was described as a “Porsche enthusiast” who owned a dozen of the German cars throughout his life. But there's nothing he loved more than golf, the obituary said, becoming a founding member of a golf club in Oregon.
His health had declined over the past decade, but it became worse after congestive heart failure was diagnosed a couple of years ago. He had been bedridden the past several months, Teresa Elliott said. The two, who didn't have children, remained close friends after their divorce.
Michael Elliott was a longtime Democrat and was very interested in politics; a “CNN junkie” appalled by the current political climate. He found President Trump to be a “loathsome individual,” Teresa Elliott said. Asked what, specifically, her ex-husband had said about Trump, she said, “Nothing that you could print.”
She said she gave her ex-husband the false news because she wanted him to die with a happy thought.

Whether Trump would be impeached has been in the public discourse even before the November presidential election.Allan J. Lichtman, an American University historian who had predicted that Trump would become president, had already made the case for his impeachment. He told The Post's Peter W. Stevenson in September that if elected, the real estate mogul would be impeached by a Republican Congress that would rather have a President Pence.
Now, just a few months removed from when Trump took office, Lichtman has already written a book: “The Case for Impeachment.”Professor Allan J. Lichtman of American University was one of the few professional prognosticators to get President Trump's election win right. In his new book, he says Trump could be impeached. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)
“This one is not based on a system; it's just my gut. They don't want Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable. They'd love to have Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican,” Lichtman told The Post. “And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

Look inside the spectacular Irish castle where Rory McIlroy is reportedly getting married

Golf has something of a Royal Wedding on the way, apparently.
Rory McIlroy, who has been engaged to former PGA of America employee Erica Stoll since December 2015, will get married in Ireland’s famed Ashford Castle on April 22nd, according to the Belfast Telegraph:
A phone call to the exclusive luxury hotel yesterday about the possibility of booking a room for the weekend after next was greeted with a polite reply: “Sorry but we are fully booked.”
There was no confirmation from the reservations clerk, however, that the Castle had been rented out by Rory and Erica, who are regular visitors to Ashford.
They’ve spent two New Year’s Eves in the five star hotel, where they enjoyed candlelit dinners and champagne as the clock counted dow 

.Some pictures of the five-star resort:

[Via MerlinFTP Drop]

[Via MerlinFTP Drop]

[Via MerlinFTP Drop]

Atlas V rocket has successful launch to space station

Launched from Cape Canaveral on board an Atlas V rocket, the next round of supplies and experiments for the International Space Station. (April 18) AP

CAPE CANAVERAL — Godspeed, S.S. John Glenn.
An unmanned cargo ship named in honor of the pioneering astronaut is on its way to the International Space Station after launching from Cape Canaveral on Tuesday atop a modern version of the Atlas rocket Glenn rode into orbit in 1962.
United Launch Alliance’s 19-story Atlas V thundered from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’s Launch Complex 41 at 11:11 a.m. ET, flying through a few low clouds on a northeasterly trajectory over the Atlantic Ocean.
Twenty-one minutes later, an Orbital ATK Cygnus craft packed with more than 7,600 pounds of food, supplies and experiments separated from the rocket’s Centaur upper stage.
Rendezvous at the international research outpost orbiting 250 miles overhead is planned Saturday morning, after Thursday’s scheduled launch and docking by an astronaut and cosmonaut who will join three Expedition 51 crew members.
Research aboard the Cygnus include a mini-fridge-sized plant growth chamber and experiments studying DNA to better understand the aging process and a potential improvement in chemotherapy treatment of cancer.
The launch was the third of a Cygnus cargo craft by United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V, which can launch heavier loads that Orbital ATK’s own Antares rocket based on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.
The mission was ULA’s fourth launch of 2017; the next one is not expected before August.

SpaceX is next up on the Eastern Range, with a Falcon 9 rocket targeting an April 30 launch of a classified National Reconnaissance Office mission from Kennedy Space Center’s pad 39A.

Horrific: Six shot outside Alabama church; media SILENT because…

Earlier this month convicted Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences. (Roof shouldn’t worry though, any competent attorney should be able to get that reduced to four.) In June of 2015, then 20 years old, Roof entered Emanuel AME Church, known locally as “Mother Emanuel Church” and shot the place up. He is a monster who should and will never walk the streets a free man again.
Roof’s shooting spree was seized upon by the media as an example of what hate-inducing materials like the Confederate flag can produce in unstable individuals. Reports of Roof’s visits to Confederate landmarks fueling his rage were used as reasons to justify the removal of such landmarks and ultimately then-governor Nikki Haley signed a bill into law that removed the confederate flag from the South Carolina state capital.
The media couldn’t get enough of the narrative of a young, white racist shooting up a black church.Fast-forward to Easter Sunday 2017 — yes, two days ago. There was another instance of a young man shooting up a black church in the south. But as opposed to Roof’s shooting, this one very few have heard about.
A search is underway for the shooter at Cathedral of the Cross A.O.H. Church of God in Birmingham, AL.  A headline befitting of this incident is: Mass Shooting by Black Suspect at Black Church Carnival.  But there are no such headlines. Not in the mainstream media anyway.
Yesterday  AL.com carried the story:

INSPIRE: War-Wounded Amputee Runs Boston Marathon Hoisting Huge American Flag

There's Boston Strong, and then there's Jose Sanchez.
Four years after two brothers from Kyrgyzstan detonated home-made bombs in pressure cookers at the finish line of the annual race, killing three and injuring hundreds -- including 16 who lost limbs -- Sanchez decided to join the race.Sanchez is a retired Texas Marine Staff Sergeant who was badly injured while serving in Afghanistan in 2011. He rarely talks about his injuries, including one leg amputated at the knee after he stepped on an IED. He says the injury left him introverted and anti-social. In fact, for five years he didn't open a gift his fellow troops had given him. 
But then he did. Inside the box was a large American flag, signed by dozens of his friends and comrades. On the flag were personal notes to him and inspirational tales of hardships overcome.
The flag changed him, hard.
On Sunday, he joined in the Boston Marathon, first run in 1897. But Sanchez, running with just one leg in a J-shaped carbon-fiber prosthetic, added a twist: He carried that massive flag for the entire 26-mile length of the course, taking five house 22 minutes to finish.
“Instead of putting it away, I wanted to fly this flag again in their honor,” Sanchez told local Boston station WBZ-TV after the race.
“It’s for others to be inspired, to be motivated. I don’t do it for myself,” he said. “We live for others — I’ve learned that throughout being angry, and frustrated, and with all that PTSD. I’m channeling it to be positive and to give back to whatever I have taken away from the community.”
Sanchez ran as part of Team Semper Fi, which is dedicated to delivering “immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post-9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and their families.”

NEWS North Korea Warns ‘Thermonuclear War May Break Out at Any Moment’

PYONGYANG – A pair of high-ranking North Korean officials are warning that the world is on the brink of nuclear war due to U.S. involvement.
“The United States are disturbing the peace and global stability, insisting in a gangster logic,” North Koran foreign minister Han Song-Ryol said over the weekend.
Han added that “nuclear war could break out at any moment” and that the country will continue missile tests “on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis” no matter what the rest of the world thinks.
Meanwhile, Kim In Ryong, North Korea’s deputy United Nations ambassador, warned of “a dangerous situation in which a thermonuclear war may break out at any minute.”
Kim called the Korean peninsula “the world’s biggest hot spot.”
“[North Korea] is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the U.S.,”
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, during a visit to South Korea, said the “people of North Korea” and “the military of North Korea” should not “mistake the resolve of the United States of America to stand with our allies.”
“But all options are on the table as we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of South Korea for denuclearization of this peninsula and for the long-term prosperity and freedom of the people of South Korea,” Pence said.

21K Illegal Aliens Arrested Under Trump So Far

According to newly released statistics by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), originally requested by The Washington Post, arrests of illegal aliens increased 32.6 percent during the first several weeks of the Trump Administration.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested 21,362 illegal aliens from January 20 through March 13, an increase of 5,258 from the same period in 2016.
Nearly 75 percent of those arrested, a total of 17,921, are criminal illegal aliens. The number of non-criminal illegal aliens arrested has more than doubled.
A spokeswoman for ICE said that the focus remains primarily on those who are a danger to the security of U.S., anyone who is in the U.S. illegally can face deportation.
“…As [Homeland Security] Secretary [John F.] Kelly has made clear, ICE will no longer exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement,” spokeswoman Jennifer Elzea said in a statement.
The total number of illegal aliens who have been deported, not just arrested, is down by 1.2 percent compared to the same period last year. Eleza explained it takes time to move forward with deportation proceedings after arresting an illegal alien. Overall, the total number arrested increased by 15 percent compared to the same period last year.
Since President Trump took office on January 20, the apprehension of illegal aliens attempting to enter the United States has decreased by 61 percent, as reported by Breitbart Texas.
The president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brandon Judd, told Fox Business Channel’s Stuart Varney, “the handcuffs are being taken off the law enforcement agents, and we’re putting the handcuffs back on the criminals.”

Dad fears the worst after seeing a letter on son's bed, then realizes report cards are out

A father walked past his son’s bedroom one day and had to do a double take. He was so surprised to see that the bed was nicely made, and the room was finally clean with no clothes left on the floor
He proceeded to enter his son’s bedroom. That was when he noticed an envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. All it read was “Dad”.
Sweat slowly started creeping up on the father as he opened the envelope with trembling hands…
Dear Dad,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you. I’ve been finding real passion with Stacy, and she is so nice. However, I knew you would not approve of her because of her piercings, tattoos, and tight motorcycle clothes. Also, she is so much older than me.
But it’s not only the passion, Dad. She’s pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She own a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children.
Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn’t really hurt anyone. We’ll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with other people in the commune for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.
In the meantime, we’ll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS, so Stacy can get better. She deserves it!
Don’t worry, Dad. I’m 15, and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I’m sure we’ll be back to visit, so you can get to know your many grandchildren.
P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Jason’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report that’s on the kitchen table. Call when it’s safe for me to come home!
Please SHARE this hilarious letter with your Facebook friends today.


Man Wanted in Cleveland Facebook Murder Kills Himself, Police Say

Steve Stephens was being sought in connection with a fatal shooting in Cleveland on Sunday.CreditStevie Steve/Facebook, via Reuters
A man sought in the fatal shooting of a 74-year-old man in Cleveland, who then posted a video of it on Facebook, shot and killed himself on Tuesday after a brief pursuit in Erie County, Pa., a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania State Police said.
The State Police attempted to pull over the man, Steve Stephens, the spokeswoman, Diana Bates, said. Mr. Stephens then pulled over and shot himself to death, she said.
The manhunt for Mr. Stephens had extended across the country, with widespread news coverage and social media fueling reports of multiple sightings, some as far away as Detroit and Houston.
Mr. Stephens, 37, was being sought in what the authorities said was a random shooting of Robert Godwin Sr.
warrant for Mr. Stephens’s arrest on a charge of aggravated murder had been issued, and the police asked residents of Indiana, Michigan, New York, northeast Ohio and Pennsylvania to be on alert. Mr. Stephens said in a video on Sunday that he had killed multiple people, but the police said there was only one known victim.

Police: Man sought in Cleveland Facebook killing is dead

By Mark Gillispie 
Associated Press
CLEVELAND — The man who randomly killed a Cleveland retiree and posted video of the crime on Facebook shot himself to death on Tuesday in Pennsylvania, police said.
Pennsylvania State Police said Steve Stephens was spotted Tuesday morning in Erie County, in the state's northwest corner. Authorities say officers tried to pull Stephens over and, after a brief pursuit, he shot and killed himself.He was wanted on an aggravated murder charge in the shooting death of a 74-year-old man who was picking up aluminum cans on Sunday after spending Easter with his family.
Stephens posted a video of himself killing Robert Godwin Sr., a former foundry worker who had 10 children, police said. In it, he said, "I snapped, I just snapped."
Stephens, 37, shared a recording on Sunday of himself announcing his plan to kill someone, then two minutes later posted another video of himself shooting and killing Godwin, Facebook said. A few minutes after that, he went live and confessed, the company said.
The company said it disabled Stephen's account within 23 minutes of receiving the first report about the video of the fatal shooting and two hours after receiving any report.
Facebook has since announced it was launching a review for reporting harmful content.
Police would not speculate on what was behind the killing, but videos Stephens posted showed him talking about losing everything he had to gambling and trouble with his girlfriend.
Stephens filed for bankruptcy two years ago despite holding down a job as a counselor helping young people develop job skills and find employment. The behavioral health agency where he worked said an extensive background check before he was hired turned up nothing worrisome.
In one video posted on Facebook, Stephens said that he gambled away everything and that he and his girlfriend had planned to marry but did not, without saying why.
In the video of the shooting, Stephens told Godwin the name of his girlfriend and said, "She's the reason that this is about to happen to you." Godwin did not seem to recognize the name.
The woman Stephens spoke of, Joy Lane, said in a text message to CBS that "we had been in a relationship for several years. I am sorry that all of this has happened."
Investigators said that Godwin was the only victim so far linked to Stephens, despite his claim on Facebook that he killed over a dozen people.
Officers searched dozens of places around Cleveland without finding Stephens or any other victims before expanding the manhunt. Detectives spoke with the suspect on Sunday by cellphone and tried to persuade him to surrender, police said.
Within a day, authorities expanded the search nationwide and offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to his capture and prosecution.
Law enforcement officials said on Monday that his cellphone was last tracked Sunday afternoon in Erie, Pennsylvania, about 100 miles east of Cleveland.

LB A.J. Hawk retires as a Packer. Former first-round draft pick played nine seasons in Green Bay

Former linebacker A.J. Hawk, who played nine seasons (2006-14) in Green Bay, has informed the club of his decision to retire with the Packers. The announcement was made Tuesday by Ted Thompson, Executive Vice President, General Manager and Director of Football Operations.
Hawk, who was drafted by Green Bay with the No. 5 overall pick in the 2006 NFL Draft out of Ohio State, ranks No. 1 in franchise history (since 1975) with 1,118 career tackles, having surpassed LB John Anderson’s mark (1,020, 1978-89) in the 2013 regular-season finale. Hawk led the Packers in tackles five times during his career (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012-13), which is tied with LB Nick Barnett for the top mark in team history.
“The first thing that needs to be said about A.J. Hawk is that he is a good man,” Thompson said. “He was a terrific teammate and a true professional during his career, and we were lucky to have him. A.J. will always be a Packer. We wish the best to him and the entire Hawk family, and thank them for all that they gave to the team and the city of Green Bay.”
Hawk played in 142 of a possible 144 regular-season games with 136 starts in Green Bay, appearing in all 16 contests in eight of his nine seasons with the Packers. In addition to his 1,118 career tackles (798 solo), he registered 19 sacks, nine interceptions, 43 passes defensed, three forced fumbles and five fumble recoveries. In 2010, Hawk earned Pro Bowl recognition after tying for the NFL lead among linebackers with a career-high three interceptions and leading the team with 134 tackles. He helped Green Bay’s defense finish in the top five in the league that season in points allowed (No. 2, 15.0 ppg) and yards allowed (No. 5, 309.1 ypg) as the Packers went on to win Super Bowl XLV vs. Pittsburgh.
Hawk led the team in tackles as a rookie in 2006 with a career-high 155 stops, the second most ever recorded by a Green Bay rookie (Rich Wingo, 166 in 1979). He finished third in NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year voting by The Associated Press and was named to the Pro Football Weekly/Pro Football Writers Association All-Rookie Team.
“We were fortunate to make A.J. my first pick as head coach in 2006, and he spent the next nine years giving everything he had to the Green Bay community and the Packers,” Head Coach Mike McCarthy said. “His leadership and toughness were instrumental in all of our success, and we thank him for all that he did for the organization and the community. We wish A.J., Laura and the rest of the Hawk family all the best, and I am confident that whatever the future holds, he will be successful.”
Hawk also played one season (2015) with the Cincinnati Bengals and appeared in one game for the Atlanta Falcons in 2016. His 158 games played from 2006-15 were the most among NFL linebackers over that span.

Ivanka's biz prospers as politics mixes with business

SHANGHAI (AP) — On April 6, Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago.
The scenario underscores how difficult it is for Trump, who has tried to distance herself from the brand that bears her name, to separate business from politics in her new position at the White House.
As the first daughter crafts a political career from her West Wing office, her brand is flourishing, despite boycotts and several stores limiting her merchandise. U.S. imports, almost all of them from China, shot up an estimated 166 percent last year, while sales hit record levels in 2017. The brand, which Trump still owns, says distribution is growing. It has launched new activewear and affordable jewelry lines and is working to expand its global intellectual property footprint. In addition to winning the approvals from China, Ivanka Trump Marks LLC applied for at least nine new trademarks in the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Canada and the U.S. after the election.
Beijing granted new Ivanka Trump trademarks as the first daughter dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago this month -- a sign that politics hasn't stopped the commercial engine of Ivanka’s brand, which is raising ethics concerns. (April 17)
The commercial currents of the Trump White House are unprecedented in modern American politics, ethics lawyers say. They have created an unfamiliar landscape riven with ethical pitfalls, and forced consumers and retailers to wrestle with the unlikely passions now inspired by Ivanka Trump's mid-market collection of ruffled blouses, shifts and wedges.
Using the prestige of government service to build a brand is not illegal. But criminal conflict of interest law prohibits federal officials, like Trump and her husband, from participating in government matters that could impact their own financial interest or that of their spouse. Some argue that the more her business broadens its scope, the more it threatens to encroach on the ability of two trusted advisers to deliver credible counsel to the president on core issues like trade, intellectual property, and the value of the Chinese currency.
"Put the business on hold and stop trying to get trademarks while you're in government," advised Richard Painter, who served as chief White House ethics lawyer under George W. Bush.
To address ethical concerns, Trump has shifted the brand's assets to a family-run trust valued at more than $50 million and pledged to recuse herself from issues that present conflicts.
"Ivanka will not weigh in on business strategy, marketing issues, or the commercial terms of agreements," her attorney, Jamie Gorelick, said in a statement. "She has retained authority to direct the trustees to terminate agreements that she determines create a conflict of interest or the appearance of one."
In a recent interview with CBS News, Trump argued that her business would be doing even better if she hadn't moved to Washington and placed restrictions on her team to ensure that "any growth is done with extreme caution."
Ivanka Trump takes the stage during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Since Donald Trump was elected president, sales of Ivanka Trump merchandise have surged, and her company has applied for new trademarks in the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Canada and the U.S.,
China, however, remains a nagging concern. "Ivanka has so many China ties and conflicts, yet she and Jared appear deeply involved in China contacts and policy. I would never have allowed it," said Norman Eisen, who served as chief White House ethics lawyer under Barack Obama. "For their own sake, and the country's, Ivanka and Jared should consider stepping away from China matters."
Instead, the first daughter and her husband have emerged as prominent interlocutors with China, where they have both had significant business ties. Last year, Kushner pursued hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate investments from Anbang Insurance Group, a financial conglomerate with close ties to the Chinese state. After media reports about the deal, talks were called off.
Publicly, Ivanka has taken a gracious, charming approach toward Beijing. During the Mar-a-Lago meetings, her daughter, 5-year-old Arabella stood in a gilded room and sang a traditional Chinese song, in Mandarin, for China's president, Xi Jinping. The video, which was lavishly praised by Chinese state media, played over 2.2 million times on China's popular news portal qq.com.
The week of the summit, 3.4 tons of Ivanka Trump handbags, wallets and blouses arrived in the U.S. from Hong Kong and Shanghai. U.S. imports of her merchandise grew an estimated 40 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to Panjiva Inc., which maintains and analyzes global shipping records.
Ivanka Trump models an outfit following an interview to promote her clothing line in Toronto. As she crafts a new political career from her West Wing office, her brand is going strong, despite boycotts and several stores limiting her merchandise.
Painter, the former Bush administration lawyer, recommended full recusal from issues related to trade with China. That is likely to be difficult because trade is so deeply embedded in the US-China relationship and has been linked with other matters, like North Korea.
"The danger is that with any discussion with the Chinese, one party or the other may try to bring up trade," he said. "That's a slippery slope that may require her or Jared to step out of the room."
Gorelick, Ivanka Trump's attorney, said that Ivanka and her husband would steer clear of specific areas that could impact her business, or be seen as conflicts of interest, but are under no legal obligation to step back from huge swaths of policy, like trade with China.
Under the rules, Trump would recuse herself from conversations about duties on clothing imported from China, Gorelick said, but not broad foreign policy.
"In between, you have to assess it case-by-case," she said.
President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka walk to board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House. Ethics lawyers fear the more her business expands, the more it may encroach on her ability, and husband, Jared Kushner, to credibly advise the president.
Trademarks can be signs of corporate ambition, though many countries — such as China, where trademark squatting is rampant — also allow for defensive filings to prevent copycats from using a brand.
Trademarks pose ethical, and possibly legal, implications for government employees because they are granted by foreign states and confer the monopoly right to sell branded product in a particular country — an entitlement that can be enormously valuable. Intellectual property lawyers say trademarks are also a crucial prerequisite for cutting licensing deals, which form the basis of both Ivanka and Donald Trump's global business strategy.
Today, Ivanka Trump Marks LLC has 16 registered trademarks in China and 32 pending applications, along with a total of four marks granted preliminary approval since the inauguration, according to China's Trademark Office. Altogether, they cover a wide range of goods and services, including cosmetics, jewelry, leather handbags, luggage, clothes, shoes, retail, spa and beauty services. There is no sign the recent approvals were particularly swift. China's Trademark Office did not respond to a request for comment.
Globally, the company has more than 180 pending and registered trademarks in countries including Canada, India, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, as well as the U.S. and Europe, public records show. In December, the company applied for five trademarks, covering handbags and wallets in Puerto Rico, and lingerie and other clothes in the U.S. After the inauguration, the company filed four more applications, for branded clothing and shoes in the Philippines, and perfume and other items in Canada.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel listens as Ivanka Trump speaks during a meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House.
Trump did not sign off on the new trademark applications, her brand said in a statement, adding that they are "not necessarily an indication that the brand is planning to launch a category or a store in a specific territory."
Whatever the future plans, right now sales are growing — helped, some argue, by the glow of Ivanka Trump's political rise.
The G-III Apparel Group Ltd., which makes Ivanka Trump clothes, said net sales for the collection increased by $17.9 million during the year that ended Jan. 31.
The brand itself claims revenues rose 21 percent last year, with early February seeing some of the "best performance ever," according to a statement by Abigail Klem, president of the Ivanka Trump brand. Because it is privately held, the brand does not have to declare its earnings or where revenues come from. The actual corporate structure of Trump's retail business remains opaque. Kushner's financial disclosure form lists two dozen corporate entities that appear directly related to his wife's brand. Trump herself has yet to file a disclosure.
Data from Lyst, a massive fashion e-commerce platform, indicates some of this growth coincided with specific political events.
The number of Ivanka Trump items sold through Lyst was 46 percent higher the month her father was elected president than in November 2015. Sales spiked 771 percent in February over the same month last year, after White House counselor Kellyanne Conway exhorted Fox viewers to "Go buy Ivanka's stuff." Conway was later reprimanded. The bounce appears somewhat sustained. March sales on Lyst were up 262 percent over the same period last year.
"You can't separate Ivanka from her role in life and from her business," said Allen Adamson, founder of BrandSimpleConsulting. "Her celebrity status is now not only being fueled by her wealth and her family connection, but by her huge role in the White House. All that buzz is hardwired to her products." That, he added, is a competitive advantage other brands just can't match — though it does come with risk.
Things could easily cut the other way for the first daughter. Ashley King, 28 of Calabasas, California, bought Ivanka Trump black flats and a cardigan several years ago. But King, who voted for Hillary Clinton, said she believes Trump's role in the White House represents a conflict of interest.
"This is bothering me more and more," she said. As for the Ivanka Trump items in her closet, she said, "I will be donating them."

Justin is in LA and checks Facebook